Curriculum Vitae

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multimodal anthropology; linguistic anthropology; language endangerment and revitalization; Indigenous environmental knowledge; decolonial and collaborative methods; media; climate change and sustainability; the Amazon and Andes


2022 - present Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Western Carolina University

2019 - 2022 Visiting Fellow, Center for Humanities & Information, Penn State University


2019     Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Dissertation: “Remediating Endangerment: Radio and the Animation of Memory in the Western Amazon.” Committee: Bruce Mannheim (Co-Chair), Barbra Meek (Co-Chair), Kelly Askew, Judith Irvine, Sarah Thomason, Michael Uzendoski.

2015     M.A. Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2010     B.A. with Highest Distinction; Latin American and Caribbean Studies (with Highest Honors), Anthropology, Spanish, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2005 - 2008     Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, MI


Peer-reviewed publications:

(2022)   “Reweaving Language and Lifeways in the Western Amazon.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal. Under review.

2020     “Linguistic Natures: Method, Media, and Language Reclamation in the Ecuadorian Amazon.” Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 30 (3): 304–25.

2020     “Affective Technology: Women’s Media Activism in the Ecuadorian Amazon” Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture, 1 (4): 376–93.

2019     “Multimodal Chronotopes: Embodying Ancestral Time on Quichua Morning Radio,” Signs and Society, 7(1):6-36.

2019     K. Grzech, A. Schwarz, and G. Ennis “Divided we stand, unified we fall? The impact of standardisation on oral language varieties: a case study of Amazonian Kichwa.” Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law 7:123-145.


ms.       Rainforest Radio: Language Endangerment and Reclamation in the Ecuadorian Amazon (under contract)  

Book chapters

2022     “Afecto y modalidad en la revalorización lingüística del Kichwa del Alto Napo.” Oralidades y escrituras kichwas, eds. Fernando Garcés and Armando Muyulema. Abya Yala: Quito. Forthcoming.

 Edited volumes

(2022)   Special series co-editor, American Indian Culture and Research Journal. Special issue “Language Lives in Unexpected Places” (with Dr. Erin Debenport). Under review.

2020     Special series co-editor, Resonance: The Journal of Sound and Culture (UC Press). Special issue “Soundwork and Media Activism.”

2020     Shook, Jen, Georgia Ennis, Alex Sayf Cummings, and Josh Shepperd. 2020. “Introduction: Words from the Guest Editors on ‘The Soundwork of Media Activism.’” Resonance 1 (4): 335–39.

2017     Ñukanchi sacha kawsaywa aylluchishkamanda/Relaciones con nuestra selva/Relating to Our Forest [Quichua-Spanish-English language book and DVD], Georgia Ennis ed., with the Association of Kichwa Midwives of Upper Napo (AMUPAKIN), Ecuadorian Ministry of Culture and Patrimony

Encyclopedia articles

2021     “Language Revitalization and Multimodality.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Ed. Mark Aldenderfer.

Book reviews

2022     Review of Remaking Kichwa: Language and Indigenous Pluralism in Amazonian Ecuador. By Michael Wroblewski. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 32, no. 2.

2021     Review of Language and Revolutionary Magic in the Orinoco Delta. By Juan L. Rodriguez. Journal of Sociolinguistics.

2020     Review of Language, Coffee, and Migration on an Andean-Amazonian Fronter. By Nicholas Q. Emlen. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 31, no. 1.

Other writing

2018     Author interview with Daniel Fisher, The Voice and Its Doubles, CaMP Anthropology Blog. Link.

In Preparation

ms.       “Reanimation: A New Approach to the Past in South American Narrative.” Georgia Ennis, Cathleen Allen, Nicholas Emlen, Margarita Huayhua, Bruce Mannheim, Janis Nuckolls.

ms.       “Relating to the Forest: Possibilities and Limitations of Collaborative Community Media.” Georgia Ennis, Gisella Yumbo, Olga Chongo, Ofelia Salazar, María Antonia Shiguango. Countering Modernity, Carolyn Smith-Morris and César Abadía eds.

fellowships and awards

National Competitions

2018      Society for Linguistic Anthropology’s Public Outreach and Community Service Award

2018     Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies

2016     Ministry of Culture and Patrimony of Ecuador, Narrative Arts grant for trilingual book and DVD with the Association of Kichwa Midwives of Upper Napo (AMUPAKIN)

2015     Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Award

2015     National Science Foundation, Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant

2014     Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship

2011     Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Fellowship, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Ecuador

Other Fellowships and Awards

2018     Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship, University of Michigan, declined

2017     Academic Year Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, Quechua

2015     Rackham International Research Award, University of Michigan

2015     Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, Quichua (Ecuador)

2014     Michigan Anthropology Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor

2014     Academic Year Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, Quechua

2014     Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, Quichua (Ecuador)

2014     Tinker Field Research Grant (Ecuador)

2013     Summer Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, Quechua (Peru)

2012     Academic Year Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, Quechua

2011     Outstanding Honors Thesis, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Michigan

2011     Honorable Mention, MLibrary Undergraduate Research Award, University of Michigan

2010     International Institute Individual Fellowship, University of Michigan

presentations and sections organized

2022     “Reanimation: Bringing the Past to Life in South American Narrative.” Two-day digital symposium, Penn State University. 

2022     “Framing Reanimation.” Digital Symposium, “Reanimation: Bringing the Past to Life in South American Narrative.” Penn State University, University Park, PA; April.

2022     “Language Lives in Unexpected Places: New Engagements with Indigenous Languages and Media.” Society for Linguistic Anthropology annual meeting. Boulder, CO.

2022     “Language Oppression and Multimodal Reclamation in the Western Amazon.” Society for Linguistic Anthropology meeting. Boulder, CO. April.

2021     “Language Lives in Unexpected Places: New Engagements with Indigenous Languages and Media.” American Anthropological Association annual meeting, Baltimore, MD.

2021     “Intimate Publics: More-than-language reclamation in the Ecuadorian Amazon.” American Anthropological Association Annual meeting, Baltimore, MD; November.

2021     “Engendering Grief and Humor in Upper Napo Kichwa.” European Network for the Study of Andean Languages. University of Tübingen, Germany/Virtual conference; September.

2021     “Learning How to Listen: Amazonian Kichwa Ideologies of Speech and Socialization.” Third International Symposium of Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Latin America. University of Georgia; March.

2020     “Language Lives in Unexpected Places.” Two-day digital symposium. Penn State University.

2020     “Reweaving Worlds: More-than-language reclamation in the Western Amazon.” Digital symposium, “Language Lives in Unexpected Places,” Penn State University, University Park, PA; November

(2020)   “Language Sits in Unexpected Places: New Engagements with Indigenous Languages and Practices” Society for Linguistic Anthropology’s annual meetings, Boulder, CO; April (postponed, COVID-19)

(2020)   “Re-animating the home on Amazonian Kichwa community radio,” Society for Linguistic Anthropology, Boulder, CO; April (postponed for COVID-19)

2019     “Contrasting Ideologies of Language Revitalization in Upper Napo Kichwa Community Media,” American Anthropological Association/Canadian Anthropology Society joint meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada; November

2019     “Mediated Methods in Revitalization, Linguistic and Otherwise” International Year of Indigenous Languages 2019 Perspectives Conference, Fort Wayne, IN; October

 2019    “Modes of Revitalization: Community Media and the Revalorization of Upper Napo Kichwa,” International Year of Indigenous Languages Conference, Purdue, IN; October

2019     “Linguistic Natures and the Revitalization of Upper Napo Kichwa,” Critical Language Workshop: Applied Linguistic and Anthropological, Newcastle University; October

2019     “Contested Ideologies in the Revitalization of Ecuadorian Kichwa,” Michicagoan Graduate Student Conference, University of Michigan; May

2018 "Reanimating Elders in Multimodal Media," American Anthropological Association annual meeting, San Jose, CA; November

2018     “Efectos sociolingüísticos de la estandarización sobre variedades no-estándar: reflexiones acerca del caso del kichwa amazónico,” co-authored with Karolina Grzech and Anne Schwarz, International Congress of Americanists, Salamanca, Spain; July

2018     “Mutimodal Chronotopes: Embodying Ancestral Time on Quichua Radio,” Michicagoan Graduate Student Conference, University of Chicago, Chicago; May

2018     “Singing Sadness: Radio, Empathy, and Mediated Communities of Practice in Napo, Ecuador,” Everyday Practice in the Andes conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; April

2018     “Affective technologies: Mediating communities of practice in the Ecuadorian Amazon,” Society for Linguistic Anthropology meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; March

2017     “Endangered Chronotopes: From Practice to Performance at Tea Time,” American Anthropological Association annual meeting, Washington, D.C.; November

2017     “Ruku kawsaymanda: Narrativizing cultural change in the Ecuadorian Amazon” Latin American Studies Association International Congress, Lima, Peru; May

2017     “Knowing through Indigenous Verbal Art: Production, transmission and transformation of local knowledges” Session co-organized for Latin American Studies Association International Congress, Ecuador section sponsored panel, Lima, Peru; May

2017     “Creating Ñucanchic shimi [Our language]” Conference of the European Network for the Study of Andean Languages, Leiden, Netherlands; September 

2017      “Flattening Dialogism: Language Revitalization and the Entextualization of Southern Quechua Narrative,” Latin American Studies Association Congress, San Juan, Puerto Rico; May

2014     “Emergent Alignments on Andean Community Radio,” Michicagoan Graduate Student Conference, University of Chicago; May

2014     “Short-Wave Dialogism: Reporting the News on Andean Community Radio,” 4-Field Anthropology Graduate Conference, University of Michigan; March

Teaching experience


Western Carolina University

F 2022              ANTH 120 (Comparative Cultural Systems), instructor of record

F 2022              ANTH 352 (Introduction to Environmental Anthropology, instructor of record

Pennsylvania State University

Sp 2022             ANTH 296 (Ethnographic Research Methods, Independent Study) instructor of record

Sp 2021, 2022    ANTH 197 (Anthropology of Race & Racism) instructor of record

Sp 2020             ANTH 1 (Understanding Humans) instructor of record

University of Michigan

Sp 2018             ANTHRUL 299 (Language and Identity Online) instructor of record

F 2013              ANTHRCUL 101 (Introduction to Anthropology) graduate student instructor

W 2014             ANTHRCUL 101 (Introduction to Anthropology) graduate student instructor

International and other experience

2017, 2019         Andes and Amazon Field School; Napo, Ecuador, teaching assistant

2011                 La Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Ecuador, Fulbright English Teaching Assistant

2010                 Washtenaw Community College, Ann Arbor, MI, academic tutor

ACaDEMIC service

2022                Anthropology and Sociology Open House Committee, Western Carolina University

2021-23           Nominations Committee, Society for Linguistic Anthropology

2021, 2022        Selection committee, Fulbright Commission of Ecuador, Kichwa Teaching Assistant           

2020-22             Indigenous Faculty Staff Alliance, Penn State

2021                 Selection committee, Society for Linguistic Anthropology, Undergraduate Essay Prize

2020                 Colloquium co-organizer, “Global Indigenous Information,” Center for Humanities and Information, Penn State

2020     Society for Linguistic Anthropology annual meeting abstract review committee

2020     Penn State, Department of Anthropology, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, sub-group on anti-racist teaching resources

2020     Peer reviewer, Rowman & Littlefield Press; W.W. Norton & Company

2019     Selection committee, Society for Linguistic Anthropology Public Outreach and Community Engagement Award

2019 Manuscript reviewer, Signs & Society

2018     Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee, Linguistic Anthropology Graduate Student Representative, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2018     “Everyday Practice in the Andes,” Colloquium Co-organizer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2017 – 2018     Círculo Micaela Bastidas Phuyuqhawa Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop, Student Coordinator, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2013 – 2015     First-Year Anthropology Graduate Student Mentor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2013 – 2014     Círculo Micaela Bastidas Phuyuqhawa Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop, Student Coordinator, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2013     Michicagoan Graduate Student Conference in Linguistic Anthropology, Co-organizer

2013     Michigan Anthropology 4-Field Graduate Student Conference, Co-organizer 

2012 – 2015     Michigan Anthropology Graduate Association, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

2012 – 2013     Graduate Student Mentor, Honors Program in Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

professional memberships

American Anthropological Association (AAA);

Society for Linguistic Anthropology (SLA);

Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America (SALSA)


English (Native)

Spanish (Fluent)

Lowland Ecuadorian Quichua (Advanced)

Southern Peruvian Quechua (Intermediate)